Pasture & range
Acres of Pasture and Range
Since purchasing the ranch in 2006, we have been improving the soils to continuously better the pasture and rangeland by increasing the organic matter and overall quality of the ecosystem. We run our cattle on a rotational grazing system because of the natural fertilizer they provide along with the benefits it contributes to the environment. Regenerative agriculture is apart of our operation and we have seen many advantages since implementing the process. We have improved the infrastructure including 50 miles of new fence, pivot irrigation, and livestock water to every pasture.
Acres OF Cropland
Between the cropland and pasture, we have 5,650 acres under 44 center pivots for irrigation with no restricted pumping. Being we are above the Ogallala aquifer, water is a highly valued resource in our area. We raise corn and soybeans, along with alfalfa to finish out our cattle right here on the ranch. We use the manure from the livestock for natural fertilization while improving soil health. All the pivots are farmed in a row crop rotation while incorporating cover crops in between which results in above-average soil conditions and excellent crop yields.
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We are selling our ranch!
We are selling our beautiful piece of paradise here in the Sandhills of Nebraska. If you’d like to learn more, download a brochure here.
44850 WPA Road
Bassett, NE 68714